Friday, December 26, 2014

The New Year, Society's Savior?

As the year comes to a close, I find myself plagued by a year of indiscretions which haunt me like the lingering film of last Sunday's meatloaf layered over a new ceramic casserole. Nevertheless, I try to make the best of my present and hopefully, positively influence my future by learning from yesterday’s mistakes. I also feel that this clarity that I am feeling at this moment in time, isn’t a personal revelation; instead, a shared feeling that is sensed this time of year by many.

image_2.jpgBut atlas, here comes the New Year! Yes, the New Year, our savior! Saving poor saps like myself from another month of promises not kept, behaviors that refused to be modified, etecra. Like many of my fellow millennials, inherently, I am inherently skeptical and I’ve always been, as long as I can remember. Some of my family, friends and colleagues even think I am a pessimist. I disagree with them, of course, but for the sake of the argument, let’s say that I am. Well, if the New Year isn’t some sort of savior from our horrible habits, toxic relationships and general destructiveness that we humans inflict on ourselves, than what is it? Is it just another chronological occurrence or logical sequence in our time keeping, maybe? Well, yes, it is. Yet, the New Year as well as the shit loads of resolutions that follow it, can, in fact, make us better. 

So, as the year draws to a close, I am going to make a detail list of goals I wish to achieve, behaviors I wish to change and how I would like my life to look in a year from now. Now, I know  people are reading this and are thinking to themselves, “And her point is,” my point is to be held accountable to myself by publicly acknowledging things I wish to change and my attempt to change them. Therefore, when 2015 comes to a end, I will not be in the same predicament that I am in now. So, as I sit at my computer, among my family whom are celebrating Christmas with laughter, cheer and ubiquitous amounts of alcohol, I contemplate how I can be a better cousin, aunt, sister and daughter for them, by first being the woman I want to be for myself. 

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